Toy Defender is a tower defense game with twitch compatibility! Defend your base with towers and upgrades while twitch chat enters commands to decide what enemies show up. Also works without a twitch stream and random wave generation!


- To set up with twitch chat, view the settings menu in-game. You'll need an alt twitch account and an oauth key.

- Left click a placed tower to upgrade it!

- Right click to cancel the placement of a tower.

- I didn't feel like making a sound menu. Use the volume mixer. Sorry :)

- Sometimes the waves will end before all enemies die. I dont know what causes this and frankly I am tired.

- The WebGL (browser) build is much worse and very untested! You should download the windows build if you can!

Tips and Tricks (I didn't feel like making a tutorial):

- The only towers that hit flying enemies are the antiair tower and the slow tower!

- Basic enemies spawn in large quantities. They are countered by area damage.

- Flying enemies are hard to hit! Place anti-air towers.

- Fast enemies can be slowed down considerably by the slow towers.

- The big enemies will get hit harder by the %hp sniper tower upgrade!

- Upgrading the car has poor damage per gold value, but can be extremely versatile, and can hit flying enemies!


AquaDragon82: Lead 2D Game Artist

- Corgs: Programmer

- Eli Mcardle (smocquote): Gameplay Programmer, Tech Designer

- Orbital: Programmer

Otter "NerdPiggy" Eve: Composer & Sound Designer

- Peizur: Programmer


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